As an intro, the first thing you need to understand is how things work (the concept), rather than starting straight programming. Ultimately, learning these up front (to a certain extent) helps a lot with understanding what the program is trying to do.
There are lots of guide available in LearnNear Club (LNC) that demonstrates these principles. You might want to take a look at them. There's no particular order in which you want to learn it. Particularly, some articles are easier to understand, more beginner-friendly; others are more advanced, and doesn't expressed as well as other articles.
Let's get into it on the surface with the reference to the article for in-depth understanding.
And by surface I mean you should read the article yourself for the full version rather than relying on this book. There may be things one misses while trying to simplify things.
Note: For each chapter, one will post the references in the bottom of the page. Note there will be lots of similarities between the referenced articles and this book, as the concept does not change.
Another note: Some links I will put, others that link to other parts of the book I won't put. One reason is I'm lazy to do so. Another being trying to link to another part of the book encourages you to jump here and there, which I'm trying to discourage here. So, read on, and you'll encounter it some time later.
Certainly you can jump by referring to the table of contents, but that's on your own effort rather than myself making it too easy for you to jump ahead. If you do want to learn a specific topic, feel free to jump ahead!