Send me a Tip?

Like this book? Consider sending me some tips?

The easiest way is just sending NEAR to my address "wabinab.near" (that's the address, unlike Ethereum's address to be non-human readable).

You can also choose to tip me via twitter on any random tweets (or follow the link in the next paragraph and tip that tweet). That requires you to install NEAR tipping dapplet. Though as of writing, an extra 0.15N will go to the developers for maintenance and development of the app. One isn't sure how this works, though, as one never used it before.

How to tip on Twitter


Don't tip with BAT, although you might see it verified. There's some problem with setting up the thing, particularly ".nojekyll" is required in github pages, but using it caused the website to go 404 (and you bet, removing it will take it back). So, one isn't sure whether the tip will gone missing forever or pass through. On the safe side, ignore Brave tipping unless you directly tip it on any of my github repo.


One therefore thank you for your support and your interest in the book. Enjoy!

Tipping original author?

And if you want to send tip to the original author (where one took the materials from) instead, you can send nLearns for those "references" that link to Though you would need nLearn to tip.

For the others, you might want to search around whether they accept tips or not and how they accept it. These are not necessarily in NEAR.